Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Independent Study discussion

Independent Study discussion

Q Please post your submission on this assignment (Cover, Title, Abstract, ... Statement of the Problem ... etc) here. This is a guided Independent Study class. Therefore, please post your initial submission here in the discussion section for open Instructor comments and feedback. Students can also pitch in their own comments and feedback if they want to. Then review and revise the assignment and improve on it as necessary. You are expected to incorporate these suggestions and revisions into your draft and ultimately into your “draft” and final copy. Note that although all students use same discussion platform for each stage of your work, your individual research papers differ and each student works in conjunction with the instructor. There is no required response post or anything like that on the part of the students unless you voluntarily offer to comment on a student’s main assignment post – if you are in a position to do so. Each discussion assignment is worth 12 points. Again, please note that you are required to review, revise, and incorporate all necessary and pertinent feedback into your draft and final work. Please use 99.99% your own words. Also, be sure to discuss each main idea in a separate paragraph. However, you can borrow ideas from any place but must (1) summarize in your own words, and (2) cite your sources. Each assignment should be between two and four pages of narratives. ABSOLUTELY NO ATTACHMENT IN THE DISCUSSION PLATFORM FOR ANY REASON!

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Thousands of women end up in prison after committing several sorts of crimes. The crimes are varied and so are the different punishments. There are several cases where the Sociologists point out the differences in justice in case of the men and in case of women. The thesis for the present project is: Investigating the conditions of female prison inmates is the present thesis of the case study. The prison rights are decided on the basis of some meetings that are called in order to facilitate the amendment of equal rights of men and women inside the prison.